28 June 2015

The C-Word - Lisa Lynch

Genre: Non-fiction - Biography

Lisa Lynch is 28 years old.  She is perfectly healthy.  Except for the lump in her left breast.  The Grade 3 breast cancer lump.  With no history of breast cancer in her family, this diagnosis surprises the hell out of Lisa Lynch.

This book follows Lisa's [mis]adventures while she copes with cancer, From the diagnosis through to the mastectomy, chemotherapy and radiation.  The horror of losing her hair and having to pick a wig.

This book gives insight into the life of a cancer patient, fighter and survivor.  Lisa cuts right through the candy-coated 'everything-will-be-okay' bullshit and deals with the cold hard facts of this life changing illness.  It is funny, sad and amazing all-in-one type of book.

Lisa's story had me laughing and crying on every page as I followed her journey and I all I could do was hope and wish and dream that she was in remission and that her and her husband could lead the life they both dreamed of...  But I won't spoil it for you...  Read it for yourself and see where Lisa takes you...

Lisa kept a blog, the link can be found below:

After this book was published, there were further developments with Lisa's illness:

October 2012: Lisa is diagnosed with Grade 4 bone and brain cancer.  Although incurable, it is manageable.

November 2012: Lisa receives Gamma Knife Treatment

25 December 2012: Lisa is rushed to hospital for emergency chemo.

January 2013: Lisa receives chemo and transfusions.  The CT scan shows a subdural bleed.

11 March 2013:  Lisa passes away peacefully.

19 June 2015

Haven of Obedience - Marina Anderson

Genre: Smutty Rubbish/Mommy Porn/Erotica

The main character is a high powered magazine editor who likes to be in control, in all aspects of her life, even the bedroom.  This often leaves her lonely.  She is invited to 'The Haven', a country retreat where she learns to hand over control and there she meets Simon.  And who really cares about the rest?  This book was absolute trash.

The story line is pathetically flimsy.  The editor was lazy (or distracted) and the layout, spelling and grammar mistakes are abundant.  I wasn't particularly interested in the book but at this point it just lost me completely.  It basically starts and ends with sex and is actually rather boring.

This book is utter crap and I won't ever read anything by this author again, not for an infinite amount of money or any other reimbursement,  If you like these types of 'books', you might enjoy it but I don't recommend them at all.  Stick to something a little more classy.