03 August 2014

The Mallen Girl (#2 in The Mallen Trilogy) – Dame Catherine Cookson

Genre: Fiction (Historical) dealing with class issues

#2 The Mallen Girl

This novel follows the life of Barbara Mallen, the daughter of Thomas Mallen and his niece (also Barbara, who died in childbirth).  Barbara is born deaf and carries the cursed Mallen streak.  She is in love with her cousin, Michael Radlet (the son of her Aunt Constance).  We watch as she grows up and falls deeper in love with Michael, resulting in a lot of jealousy and wickedness.  This causes her to maim Sara Waite, whom Michael then marries.  We meet the Bensham family who move into High Banks Hall, and Miss Brigmore is their Governess.  This sets the foundation for the final novel in the series as Barbara marries Dan Bensham and Miss Brigmore (Anna) marries Mr Harry Bensham, after his wife dies.

This is the second Cookson novel that I have read and again the editing that has been done leaves me weeping as there were a few spelling and grammar errors this time round too (again I will blame this on the fact that the copy I read was one of the first edition paperback prints from the 1970s.  I didn't find this novel as wonderful and entertaining as the first one but rather a bit dull and tedious instead.  The story line was still good and I'm hoping it has laid a good foundation for the last novel in the series.

The Mallen Litter, Book 3 in the trilogy, will be the topic of my next blog post.

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