18 October 2015

Blood Sisters - Roelie Schutte and Eileen de Jager (narrated by Ilse Salzwedel)

Genre: Crime Biography

One of the only 'legal'* crime scene clean-up crews in South Africa is run by these two sisters and they share their story in this gripping book.  Both sisters received their training in the United Kingdom and have adapted the various products and methods to suit the South African climate.  They share stories ranging from murder to suicide to the death of a cat trapped inside a car for two weeks, from cleaning hotel rooms and houses.

This book is insanely interesting and gruesome and dispels the glamorous ideas given to us by shows like CSI.  I could not put this book down and had to keep reading, even after I had lost my appetite.  This is a must read for people who enjoy crime related books as it focuses on the aftermath.

*In South Africa, unlike in the US and the UK, it is not a legal requirement to have crime scenes cleaned professionally.
“People do not know how important it is to clean every centimetre of a scene. If it is not done properly, they can get very sick,” ~ Roelie Schutte

[This book is also available in Afrikaans as Bloedsusters.]

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