05 July 2014

The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake – Aimee Bender

Genre: Fiction

Just before her 9th birthday Rose Edelstien discovers that she can taste emotions in food.  Suddenly food is a challenge for her.  All she can really stomach is mass produced machine food like crackers.  This gift, or is it a curse, is the centre of the entire novel.  Rose’s brother, Joe, possesses his own frightening gift and she relies on his friend, the ever smart and charming George to help her with this.

Although the novel is well written I found the story to be a bit ‘blotchy’ as I thought Joe’s gift demanded a further explanation and although Rose’s dad is present, he is such a mysterious character that it just didn't seem like he was needed at all.  The blurb is a bit misleading and resulted in me feeling rather let down as it makes it seem that the story is all about Rose and her gift rather centred more on her brother and her mother, who has a secret of her own.  I read this book on a bit of a whim as one of my favourite authors, Jodi Picoult, is quoted, on the front cover as saying “such beautiful writing” and while I cannot deny this I just found that the story was a bit lacking.

Had I known this in advance, would I have still read the book? Yes.  Even though I felt let down and disappointed I enjoyed the ‘magic’ of the story, making it just a little worthwhile.

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